This space is owned by
A nutritionist who enjoys eating comfort foods like ice creams, cakes, chocolates, pizzas, nasi lemak; a memories keeper who loves the greens and the blues, enjoys the adventurous path while trying the best to conquer every fear. Writing down the moments that matter… makes her fully appreciate everything that happened in life!
Also a marketer; find peace in swimming, cycling, yoga, writing, doing art and craft, musics. 

"Flipped the page as the year turned into a new one.
Continue to gain new experiences and memories. More exploration. Surround with people that makes the heart flutter. Grow wiser, stronger, bolder."
Be strong enough to be kind. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

"So many people in this world, nothing is an accident."


The registered nutritionist is contributing at

Looking at the brighter side of life is a choice ☀